Award Winner 2018

Anastasija Sosunova

She has a bachelor’s degree in printmaking and a master’s degree in Sculpture from the Vilnius Academy of Arts.

Anastasija Sosunova

Tainstvo is the Latin transliteration of the word “sacrament” in Russian – a simultaneously abstract and institutional term. On the one hand, it can be used to define everything related to the sphere of spirituality, but on the other hand it is a term denoting specific Christian rituals – different sacraments. In her video installation Anastasia Sosunova explores the situations and different paths towards faith of members of the Lithuanian Orthodox church – a community situated in a contradictory state amongst different languages, borders and political systems. The artist edits conversations with believers and church officials, as well as images of liturgical symbols “hunted” like Pokemon, to create an inner polemic and commentary on the role of religion today.